Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Septuagesima - Are Altar Flowers Permitted?

This coming Sunday, January 28, 2024, is Septuagesima -- the beginning of the pre-Lenten season sometimes called Shrovetide. The liturgical color is violet. 

Based on a post from a reputable source, it had been my understanding that altar flowers were permitted.  Now I see that post has been taken down. 

At the same time there is now a post from an FSSP apostolate saying that altar flowers are not permitted during Shrovetide.  The FSSP post states:

"In order to effect a gradual transition between the joy of Christmastide and the stringency of Lent, the season of Septuagesima takes on some of the sobriety of the latter but without its harshness. In the Roman Breviary, the penitential circuit of psalms is used (“Lauds II”), and at Mass the Gloria in excelsis is suppressed and the Gradual replaced with a Tract. Flowers on the altar are forbidden, and violet is the liturgical color of the vestments."

For this reason, I have taken down my post on Septuagesima flowers, at least pending further clarification.

As for whether flowers are permitted on the Feast of the Purification/ Candelaria this year since it falls within Shrovetide, I do not know the answer. If anyone does, please post a comment.


  1. LatinmassVictoria (I believe it’s an FSSP parish) allows flowers for Candlemass. I’ll try to paste a link to it.


  3. Thank you so much for your comment and link. It makes sense to me that flowers would be permissible. It is my understanding that flowers are permissible for the Feast of the Annunciation although it is during Lent and this seems analogous. Since both your source and the one I linked are FSSP, I guess the logical conclusion is that while generally there should be no altar flowers during Shrovetide, an exception is made for Candelaria. May you have a blessed Candlemas and thanks again.
